I know it's been forever since I last posted!
I am sorry.
My internet hasn't been working right, but now HOPEFULLY, it's fixed.
So, some updates on yours truly!
I got a car for Christmas!
It's Silver.
And it's MINE!!!!
I don't care if it's not exactly what I wanted, it's still cute, and it's mine.
I hope everyone else had a good Christmas! Or whatever holiday you celebrate.
If you don't celebrate a holiday, a good December, then. ^_^
Also, I quit reading The Last Song. -_-
I don't know what has happened to me.
I never quit a book, even if I don't like it.
But, maybe it's because this book isn't really my genre of books.
I usually read fantasy or horror or stuff similar to that.
I like Harry Potter and witches and wizards and unicorns.
Demons, vampires, werewolves and the like...
Not sappy love stories. -_-
I will eventually read The Last Song.
I promise.
Right after I get back into my reading mode.
At the moment I am reading The Hatbox Baby by Carrie Brown.
Even though it's kind of difficult to read for me (because of the giganto words and the way it's written)
it's still going pretty smoothly.
I'm reading 2-3 chapters a day.
I'll put up a review on my second blog when I'm finished with it.
~Song of the Day: We R Who We R by Ke$ha
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